The “Open Source for Space” Workshop is a one-day in-person seminar within the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT), featuring talks and invited presentations on the use of Open Source software and hardware in the space industry.

Open Source technologies playing an ever increasing role in space systems. Software such as the RTEMS Operating System, the NASA Core Flight System (cFS), F-Prime (which controls the Mars Helicopter), AIT-AMMOS, Open-MCT, and the Ball Aerospace Cosmos Ground Data System comprise some of the Open Source Software in wide use today.

The Workshop will be chaired by Dr. Pavlo Vlastos (KBR / NASA Ames Research Center), Ramón Roche (Linux Foundation), Dr. Ivan Perez (KBR / NASA Ames Research Center).

The workshop format will include invited presentations, contributed presentations, and technical demonstrations. Details will be announced soon.