Much research and development has been done in the development of individual autonomous systems (AS). However, there has been minimal development of the information exchange standards required for separate autonomous system (AS) to communicate. NASA’s plans for a permanent lunar base envision multiple autonomous systems working in coordination to perform complex coordinated tasks such as robotic assembly, mining and crew rescue/support. To accomplish these tasks, the multiple AS will need to share plans, schedules, procedures and FDIR. This heterogenous set of AS will come from different countries (e.g. USA, Europe, Japan) and different companies (e.g. SpaceX, Blue Origin, Astrobotic). Without a common information exchange between AS, pairwise exchanges will need to be developed at increasing cost (as more AS are deployed). To address this issue, NASA’s Lunar Command and Control Interoperability (LuCCI) Project is developing interoperability standards for communication between autonomous systems.

Call for Lightning Talks

We are seeking proposals for short (10-15min) talks on the topic of the workshop.

There are many aspects to autonomy and interoperability. We are specifically interested in experiences to integrate multiple autonomous assets cooperating towards shared goals.

We will publish information soon indicating deadlines and the submission process.

Questions? Use the IAS contact form.